Sunday, February 21, 2010

So yesterday, we went on a trip to Graz which is my favourite little Austrian town thus far. And here`s a cool fact - Arnold Schwarzenegger is actually from there

On the way to Graz we stopped at a chocolate factory called Zotter. So, being a foreigner I didn't realize that there were multiple tasting rooms, each one filled with loads of different chocolates to try. This led me to go WAAAY overboard in the first tasting room (thinking its the only one hahaa). So after me and a couple of girls were tasting round after round after round of the chocolate in that first room, we exited the room feeling slightly ...ill. And then we realized that the exit to tasting room number 1 led us to the entrance of tasting room number 2 which led to tasting room number three which led to room number 4 and so on and so on. Let's just say that by the end of the tour we were not feeling so great. The picture is of me being on cloud of nine with my chocolate haha.

Then we moved on to Graz and went on a tour of the town. It was so beautiful. Graz is known for its beautiful courtyards and each with its own history. The picture is of me and Alex in one of the courtyards with the snowman - the snowman is meant to be looking at the refelction of the clock in the pond - this is called `looking into permanence.` Anyways, I loved this, as the tour guide mentioned that it was meant to symbolize the thin line between our imagination and reality.
Afterwards, we went for dinner in the town and then didn't get home until about 11:30pm. The dinner was lovely - beer is cheaper than water here and TEA usually costs about 2.20 whereas a glass of wine is 1.80.... :)


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